“Dr. Booker is a dynamic speaker and an ambassador of servitude to others. Rashanda is charismatic, clever, innovative, energetic, and profoundly dedicated and passionate toward everything for which she is involved. Most importantly, she thinks critically and has great instincts.”
-Dr. E. Summers, VP for Student Affairs
"Dr. Rashanda Booker is a natural leader and a consummate professional. I witnessed her navigate some of the toughest situations in caring for her students dealing with personal and academic challenges. Her caring spirit, intellect, and educational knowledge is what sets her apart from other great leaders in her field.”
-Dr. VaNatta Ford, Assistant Professor
“For the woman whose goodness holds no bounds, Dr. Booker personifies strength, courage, and wisdom, and has endeavored to instill these very same characteristics in the hearts and minds of students she has come across. She lets her life be a testament and she lets her actions echo louder than her words. It is Dr. Booker’s inquisitive counsel and copious encouragement that truly makes her magic.”
-V. Oyakhilome, Corporate Law/ IP Paralegal
"Not only is Dr. Booker insightful, and conscious of how social systems impact social outcomes, but understands how partnerships and networks are necessary for collective impact. Her level of discernment is admirable and would greatly complement the learning environment and development of leaders.”
-Dr. J. Taylor, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer
"In my opinion if you are a student affairs professional or interested in the management of people and complex institutions it would behoove you to pay attention to what Dr. Booker has to say.”
-Dr. G. L. Wallace, Director of Accessible Education
“During my undergraduate education, Dr. Rashanda Booker served as a mentor and professional development adviser. She helped me with learning how to navigate the university’s systems and understand what options I had to enhance my undergraduate experience. As graduation grew nearer, she also provided information and resources for furthering my education after receiving my Bachelor’s degree. Dr. Booker continued to provide helpful tools such as resume writing tips, study options for GMAT preparation, and helped hone my networking skills when I began to consider a graduate school.”
-J. Thymes, MBA– Senior Recruiter
“Fifteen years ago my life changed. I was a high school senior who’d been told by my high school guidance counselor that I would never be accepted to a four year university because I did not meet the academic requirements. I’d accepted her professional perspective as fact, and then I met Rashanda. She believed in me, and diligently worked to get me into college. While in college she guided me through receiving a Bachelor, and two Master degrees. Not only is she an awesome academic coach, but she has, and continues to, guide me throughout my life’s challenges. She has helped mold me into the strong independent woman I am today.”
-A. Harris, MSW – Social Worker
D. Bunton-Bailey, MS
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